Post by Sinker on Jul 20, 2008 18:55:57 GMT -6
Most huntin in this neck a th woods is outa th question, fer th time bein.........cept fer one kind! BLACKBERRIES !!! I know they ain't critters, but they's a lotta critters involved in it so it awta count! I got this little patcha berries on th back side a th place an it puts outa lotta berries ever year. I'm nuts fer cobbler an pies an jelly, made outa them things! An ya do gotta hunt 'em; they don't zactly jump in th bucket on their own, ya know. But that ain't where th huntin stops. Not by a fer piece, it ain't! If ya go ta pickin berries ya just natcherly put yerself in th huntin grounds o'somea th best dern hunters everwhatwas! Talkin bout ticks an chiggers an deer flies an skeeters, an even horseflies! Aw, I know bout deet an other kindsa chemicals, but th dern stuff sweats off. An horseflies don't got no respect fer it in th first place! I had one bite me twicet, right in th middle of th back out there today. So I figger he gonna do it agin. I git in th truck an come up with onea them store bought paint stirrin paddles. Well, I figgered it was too light ta killa horsefly with, so I dug til I found me anuther'n an I taped both of'em tagether. I stuck it in m'pocket an went back ta pickin. I herd him go by a coupla times an then I sorta fergot bout'im cause it takes bout all my studyin just ta pick them berries without that I git more stickers then berries. Wham, he got me! Wham back, I got him! Only I didn! I had got aginst a perty healthy berry vine an then proceeded ta hammer it inta m'back!!! An thet wernt nuthin ta pullin't back out!
Th reason I'm tellin this here story is soes ya will understan when ya see me in th checkout line up ta th store, abuyin store bought jelly! They awta be a easier way........
Th reason I'm tellin this here story is soes ya will understan when ya see me in th checkout line up ta th store, abuyin store bought jelly! They awta be a easier way........